普洱首届东盟围棋邀请赛收官 各大奖项花落谁家

发布日期:2025-01-04 17:01    点击次数:120
  文章来源:东盟棋院   首届东盟围棋邀请赛胜利收官!    各大奖项花落谁家赶快看   2023 The first ASEAN WeiQi Invitational Tournament in Pu‘er concludes successfully!    Who won the laurel?    Let‘s see it together!   2023年12月10日晚8点左右,亚太森林组织普洱基地。   很难分辨烤肉的焦香与打跳的BGM谁更浓烈,若非这片山庄远离市区,此时,2023年首届普洱市东盟围棋邀请赛篝火庆功会的热闹喧嚣,一定招来投诉。   Around 8 p.m。 on December 10, 2023, at the Asia-Pacific Forest Organization Pu‘er Base, it’s hard to discern which is more intense, the smoky aroma of barbecue or the BGM of the dance。 If not for this estate being far from the city, the lively celebration of the bonfire party for the inaugural Pu‘er ASEAN WeiQi Invitational Tournament in 2023 would undoubtedly draw complaints。   来自十个国家的棋手和普洱各族姑娘小伙一起,绕着熊熊篝火手舞足蹈。棋手们的欢脱,与我午间在赛场所见的老僧入定,形成强烈的反差萌。   Chess players from ten different countries, along with young girls and boys from various ethnic groups in Pu‘er, danced around the roaring bonfire。 The exuberance of the players, in stark contrast to the serious and composed demeanor observed during the matches earlier in the day, created a vivid and strong reverse-cute。   赛场棋手表情   The expressions of the WeiQi players during the match   没问题,他们理应享受一个很普洱的美好夜晚。   两天,七轮毫无停歇的鏖战,竞技项目为最压榨脑力的围棋,所消耗的精力难以想象。   It is no doubt that they should enjoy a delightful Pu‘er night。 Two days, seven rounds of relentless battles in the most intellectually demanding game of WeiQi, the energy expended is beyond imagination。   比赛中疲倦的老棋手   The weary older WeiQi players during the match   所以,当棋子收入罐里、棋钟摁下复位键,就把自己交给烧烤、冰啤和篝火吧。   So, when the Stones are placed back in the box, the chess clock hits the reset button, just indulge in the delicious barbecue, chilled beer, and the passionately blazing bonfire!   无需翻译在场,中外棋手相遇一笑,酒瓶一捧,便开始另一种“手谈”。枰上胜负算得了什么,天南海北又得一棋友,这才叫“最大之处”。   应该说,两天前素昧平生的中外棋手,在入座2023年普洱市首届东盟围棋邀请赛赛场后,棋迷间天然的相惜相知便已布局。   篝火庆功会一小时前的颁奖仪式上,中外棋手们的“忘忧”之谊已形成厚势。   There is no need for translation on the scene, when Chinese WeiQi players met foreign WeiQi players, they smiled at each other, grabbed a glass of beer, and then they naturally started another kind of ‘Hand Talk’。 At this moment, the outcome on the chessboard had became irrelevant。 Meeting another WeiQi friend from all corners of the world is the most important and meaningful thing。   It should be said that just two days ago, Chinese and foreign players who were strangers, upon taking their seats at the 2023 Pu‘er  ASEAN WeiQi Invitational Tournament, had already laid the groundwork for a natural and mutual appreciation among WeiQi enthusiasts。   An hour before the bonfire celebration and award ceremony, the camaraderie of ‘Forgetting worries’ among Chinese and foreign players had already taken thickness form。   现在   我们可以点开下面的视频   瞧瞧各大奖项花落谁家!   Now   we can click on the video below to see    who won the laurel!   本次参赛队伍中,拥有“全国围棋之乡”荣誉的保山队,以及普洱邻居的临沧队,可谓云南业余围棋的老牌劲旅,拿奖情理之中。而越南、新加坡等东盟国家的棋手,对围棋的痴迷令人印象深刻,也展现了值得敬畏的实力。   Among the participating teams, the Baoshan team, which has the honor of being the ‘hometown of WeiQi in the country’, and the Lincang team, which is a neighbor of Pu‘er, can be said to be the veteran amateur WeiQi teams in Yunnan, it makes sense that they won the award。 Players from ASEAN countries such as Vietnam and Singapore have an impressive obsession with WeiQi, and they have also demonstrated awe-worthy abilities。   越南棋队在轮赛间歇抓紧时间用电脑复盘   The Vietnamese WeiQi team catched the time to review the game on the computer during the break time between rounds   新加坡棋手Tan Jiacheng获得了“东盟棋手特别奖”第二名,颁奖仪式后,我抢到了和他闲聊几句的机会。   Singaporean WeiQi player Tan Jiacheng won the second place in the ‘ASEAN WeiQi Players Special Award’。 After the award ceremony, I grabbed the opportunity to chat with him for a few words。   Tan Jiacheng也会在国内网棋平台上对弈,当我问起级别时,这位儒雅小哥腼腆笑道:也就在8D9D摇摆吧。   Tan Jiacheng also plays WeiQi on the domestic online WeiQi platform。 When I asked about his dan grading, this elegant young man smiled shyly and said: Just swing at 8 or 9 dan。   我立即把约战一盘的请求咽回了肚子。   I immediately took back my request to play a game of WeiQi with him。   赛前,我联系本届赛事“优秀女棋手奖”得主马苓老师时,就曾不自量力地提出“指导一局”的请求。   Before the match, when I contacted Mrs.Ma Ling, the winner of this tournament‘s ‘Outstanding Female WeiQi Player Award’,I made a request to ‘coach a game’ overestimating my ability。   马苓老师也是本届赛事年龄最高的棋手,年逾古稀的业余5段,曾多次在重大围棋比赛中夺冠。幸好比赛紧张,马老师无暇教育我。   Mrs。 Ma Ling is also the oldest player in this tournament。 She is an amateur 5-dan player who is over seventy years old and has won many important WeiQi matches。 Fortunately, the match was intense and Mrs。 Ma had no time to teach me。   获奖后马老师很高兴,却向我连道“惭愧惭愧”。老人家从旅行途中赶赴赛场参战本就疲劳,紧张的轮赛确实有点吃不消,最后两轮发挥不太理想。   After winning the award, Mrs。 Ma was very happy, but she repeatedly said to me, ‘I feel ashamed。’ The elder was already tired from traveling to compete in the match。 The intense rounds were indeed a bit overwhelming, and her performance in the last two rounds was not ideal。   但判定一位棋手优不优秀,并非全看战绩。马老师多年致力于外国留学生及少儿围棋教育,古稀之龄仍为一群年龄加起来超过三千岁的老人办围棋班免费施教;在高强度快节奏的比赛中,马老师每步棋都会凝神思索,几乎每盘棋都会用光时限。对围棋之执着尊重,这个奖当之无愧。   But judging whether a WeiQi player is good or not cannot all depend on her record。 Mrs。 Ma has been dedicated to WeiQi education for foreign students and children for many years。 She still runs WeiQi classes for a group of elderly people whose combined age exceeds 3,000 years old and teaches them for free even when she is seventy years old。 In high-intensity and fast-paced matches, Mrs。 Ma will think carefully about every move, she almost ran out of limited time in every game。 She fully deserves this award for her dedication and respect for WeiQi。   另一位值得尊敬的老人不是参赛选手,却比棋手更费心更忙碌。他就是2023年普洱市首届东盟围棋邀请赛的裁判长、云南省围棋协会主席陆军陆老。   Another respectable elder is not a contestant, but he gave a lot of care and more busier than WeiQi players。 He is Lu Jun, the chief referee of the first ASEAN WeiQi Invitational Tournament in Pu‘er in 2023 and chairman of the Yunnan WeiQi Association。   陆老在赛后帮助马苓老师复盘   Mr。 Lu helped Mrs。 Ma review the game after the match   长沙老棋手陆军老师棋艺出众,还是国内双人联棋和三人联棋的早期探索者,长期以来多次主持重大赛事的裁判工作。陆老调入云南工作四十余年,为云南的围棋事业发展做出了巨大贡献。   Mr。 Lu Jun, a veteran WeiQi player in Changsha, who has outstanding WeiQi skills。 He is also an early explorer of WeiQi double and three-player matches in China。 He has presided over the referee work of major events for a long time。 Mr。 Lu has been transferred to Yunnan for more than 40 years and has made great contributions to the development of the WeiQi industry in Yunnan。   陆老对赛事组织工作经验丰富,观察赛场细节和工作流程拥有优秀棋手面对棋局的敏锐眼光。开赛前夜,从车站直达赛场的陆老,扫视现场一眼就发现并当即纠正了几个小瑕疵。普洱东盟棋院的赛迎爽老师后来说,比赛这两天,跟在陆老身旁,学到的干货比以前外出培训两个月还多。   闭幕式上,组委会特别邀请陆老担任颁奖嘉宾。   Mr。 Lu has rich experience in event organization。 He has an eye for observing the details of the match, which is as sharp and unique as an excellent WeiQi player facing the game。 He is also very serious and careful in the work process。 On the eve of the start of the match, Mr。 Lu, who went straight from the station to the arena, glanced at the scene and found a few minor flaws and corrected them immediately。 Teacher Sai Yingshuang from the Pu’er ASEAN WeiQi Academy said that during the two days of the match, she learned more from Mr。 Lu than she did in the previous two months of training。   At the closing ceremony, the organizing committee specially invited Mr。 Lu to serve as the award guest。   右为陆军陆老   On the right is Mr.Lu Jun    特别荣幸,组委会还邀请到普洱市人大张若雷副主任担任另一位颁奖嘉宾。   It is a special honor that the organizing committee also invited Zhang Ruolei, deputy director of the Pu‘er Municipal People’s Congress, to serve as another award guest。   右为张若雷副主任   On the right is Deputy Director Zhang Ruolei   近年来,普洱市大力推广围棋和围棋教育,开展围棋教育普及超3万余人次,每年定期举办中小学生围棋赛,学习和推广围棋的覆盖率持续提升,围棋氛围越渐浓厚。张若雷副主任等众多喜欢围棋的领导,对普洱围棋发展出力甚多。   In recent years, Pu‘er has vigorously promoted WeiQi and WeiQi education, popularizing WeiQi education to more than 30,000 people, and holding regular WeiQi matches for primary and secondary school students every year。 The coverage of WeiQi learning and promotion continues to increase, and the WeiQi atmosphere is getting stronger。 Deputy Director Zhang Ruolei and many other leaders who like WeiQi have contributed a lot to the development of Pu’er WeiQi。   陆老和张副主任两位嘉宾,让颁奖仪式份量倍增,赛事组委会倍感荣幸,特借本文再次表示诚挚感谢!   The arrival of two guests, Mr。 Lu and Deputy Director Zhang, has improved the level of the award ceremony。 The event organizing committee is deeply honored and would like to express its sincere thanks again through this article!   颁奖之后,本届棋赛唯一指定棋具品牌方——手谈魂中子(云南)围棋文化传播公司(以下简称“中子围棋”),委派罗发祥先生向普洱东盟棋院捐赠精品棋子三十副,赛事承办方之一的普洱辰宇科技有限公司(以下简称“辰宇科技”)总经理查锦代表普洱东盟棋院接受了这一珍贵的赠品。   After the awards ceremony, the only designated WeiQi equipment brand for this WeiQi match – Hand Talk Soul Neutron (Yunnan) Go Culture Communication Company (hereinafter referred to as‘ Neutron WeiQi’), appointed Mr。 Luo Faxiang to donate 30 pairs of high-quality WeiQi Stones to the Pu‘er ASEAN WeiQi Academy。 Zha Jin, director of the ASEAN WeiQi Academy and General Manager of Chenyu Technology Company, the event organizer, accepted this precious gift on behalf of the WeiQi Academy。   左:中子围棋罗发祥先生   右:辰宇科技查锦总经理   Left: Mr。 Luo Faxiang of Neutron Go   Right: General Manager Zha Jin of Chenyu Technology Company   如同英雄须配宝刀,每位棋手都不会拒绝拥有一副好棋子。围棋棋子一黑一白,意蕴阴阳和谐;棋枰方正而棋子圆润,正合君子外圆内方之道。   Just like a hero must be equipped with a sharp sword, every WeiQi player will not refuse to have a good set of WeiQi Stones。 The WeiQi Stones are black and white, implying the harmony of Yin and Yang; the chessboard is square and the Stones are round, which is exactly the way of a gentleman who is neither humble nor arrogant on the outside, but upright on the inside。   中子围棋一向热心围棋文化推广,多次赞助重大围棋赛事,更有上佳棋具出品。其精品棋子以云南特有天然矿物紫英石为主料,玛瑙等珍贵石材为原料,天地之精,古法秘制,光华内蕴,质地温润。无论对弈还是把玩,雅趣盎然。   Neutron WeiQi has always been enthusiastic about promoting WeiQi culture, sponsoring major WeiQi events many times, and even produces the best WeiQi equipment。 Its high-quality WeiQi Stones are mainly made of amethyst, a natural mineral unique to Yunnan, and precious stones such as agate。 They are the essence of heaven and earth, made using ancient secret methods, with inherent brilliance and a warm texture。 Whether playing WeiQi or collecting, it is full of elegance and fun。   中子围棋   Neutron WeiQi   赛场展示区,中子围棋及周边文创吸引了众多目光,也深得棋手青睐。   In the exhibition area of the match venue, Neutron WeiQi and its cultural creations attracted a lot of attention and were also favored by WeiQi players。   次日送行棋手时,文莱赵赵政博老师不断向工作人员致歉,因为他购买了一大箱中子产品,感觉搬行李未免让人受累。   When the next day seeing off the WeiQi players, Brunei Mr。 Zhao Zhengbo kept apologizing to the staff because he bought a large box of Neutron products and felt that our staff would be tiring for moving luggage。   赵老师甭客气,您喜欢云南围棋,我们很开心。   Mr。 Zhao, you are welcome。 We are very happy that you like Yunnan WeiQi。   尤其难得的是,中子围棋特地为棋赛请来了中国围棋非遗第一人、原云南围棋厂厂长何华封先生 。   It‘s a rare thing that Neutron WeiQi specially invited Mr。 He Huafeng for the game。 Mr。 He, the first person in China’s WeiQi intangible cultural heritage and the former director of Yunnan WeiQi Factory。   何老主导的围棋古法制作体验,成了本届赛事的最红打卡点。“普洱小慢”的编辑孟峥瑜,特地跑去做了一颗好棋子送给俞俐均四段,因为小俞老师为了感谢小孟帮自己化妆,先送了一盒巧克力给她。   The ancient WeiQi production experience led by Mr.He, which had became the most popular place of this tournament。 Meng Zhengyu, the editor of “Pu‘er Xiaoman”, she made a good Stone and gave it to Yu Lijun, who is in the 4 dan(professional) grading。 In order to thank Meng for helping her with makeup, Ms。 Yu also prepared a box of chocolate for Meng in advance。   初至普洱赛场的俞俐均四段   Yu Lijun 4 dan(professional) grading at the Pu‘er arena   可惜小俞老师棋务繁忙,先其他棋手一步辞别赛场。这个温柔的姑娘这次在普洱圈粉无数。   Unfortunately, Ms.Yu was busy with work and left Pu’er before other WeiQi players。 This gentle girl has gained countless fans in Pu‘er this time。   2023年12月11日,普洱晴好。   On December 11, 2023, the weather in Pu‘er was sunny。   各国各地棋手陆续返程,临行前,广西百色市围棋协会秘书长陈百盛老师和队友卢勇老师一再提醒我,下届比赛一定要记得邀请他们。   Players from all over the world are returning home one after another。 Before leaving, Mr。 Chen Baisheng, secretary-general of the Guangxi Baise WeiQi Association and his teammate Mr。 Lu Yong repeatedly reminded me that I must remember to invite them to the next competition。   也许,等普洱采春茶的时候,咱们可以选片茶林,请大家回来煮茶手谈,忘忧山中呢。   When the spring Pu‘er tea is ready to be picked, we can choose a tea forest and invite everyone to come back to make tea and ‘Hand Talk’, ‘Forgetting worries’ in the mountains。

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